This series, Emotion, addresses the temporal, personal, human struggle that includes loss, pain, joy, change, frustration, grief and aspiration. The paintings are intense, active and filled with a sense of energy in motion. For me as the artist, they the most self conscious and self absorbed of my recent work. They represent
energy that is unrealized in the sense of divine realization; raw and nascent. They represent the processing of unconscious emotional reaction and converting it to consciousness, using the emotional energy to transform unrealized to realized, disturbance to peace. These paintings are powerful expressions of the unharnessed creative force that initiates change and growth, as are emotions when felt and constructively expressed.
My technique in this work is heavy, dense and multi-layered. Oil paint thickly applied, often with a spackle knife or trowel that sometimes takes years to dry, similar to old wounds and deep feelings. This technique evolved as I worked to give physicality and weight to emotions and the sense of movement as I ride my
emotional waves to resolution and transformation.
Emotions must be felt, allowed to flow and move through us in order to give us their message and transform us. “What we feel we can heal”. If blocked, they lead to illness and disease, either physical, mental or both. If we are honest about what we are feeling and have the courage to feel it consciously, we evolve.
Emotion is part of a series trifecta which includes two other bodies of work, Consciousness and Illumination. For the last 10 years I have worked on these three series concurrently as the inspiration and spiritual or emotional need arises.
Metaphorically these three bodies of work represent the evolution of the soul through the three aspects of existence: the body (Emotion), the mind (Consciousness) and spirit (Illumination). As human beings we work with and evolve these three aspects our ourselves to achieve our full potential as divine beings and to attain peace in the here and now.

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This is a painting about how it feels to have one's heart's desire just out of reach. It conveys the sense that just lurking under the surface of despair is a sense of luminescent hope.
This painting is part of the Emotion Series - Thickly painted impasto oil painting on canvas stretched over hand built 2.5" deep stretcher bars. Signed lower right side.

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Divertere means to divert in Latin. It's also the root of the word divorce. To part, to go separate ways. Like water parting. White space underneath represents new beginning. Often we must part with what no longer suits us to make way for the new.
This painting has a sense of fluidity like water. And it's tough to say, are the waves parting or merging?

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Rich and sensual black, red and white acrylic oil painting. Life is not always simple and things are not black and white. There are some things we may never choose to do again and we could consider them "Mistakes" but truth is...there were some golden kernels in there with the muck.
Original painting available and limited edition Giclee prints starting at $150. Purchase Information

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Love can undo us and loss can undo us. Those experiences that shake our perception of ourselves by their very nature are both destructive of who we thought we were and creative of a new view of ourselves if we fully allow ourselves to experience the undoing. Inherent in both experiences is chaos and rebirth.
This painting is part of the Emotion Series - Thickly painted impasto oil painting on canvas stretched over hand built 2.5" deep stretcher bars. Signed lower right side.

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The initial inspiration for this work was The Secret, the idea that we summon that which comes to us with our thoughts. I believe this to be true, however I also believe that most of our thoughts are subconscious, beyond our awareness, and so we are often surprised when we get what comes to us.
Since much of what passes for thought is unconscious and so much of what happens to us in life seems pre-determined by our circumstances, what we are left with is how we respond to life. But we have to be awake enough to even understand why we are choosing what we choose and acting as we do. That’s a process. The process of developing consciousness.
Ultimately this painting is about surrender. Surrender to love and to circumstances and to fully throwing ourselves into the battle and the drama of life. Of having the courage to die and be reborn.

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There is sometimes power in walking away especially from a situation that is destructive or limits us. The experience of loving ourselves enough to say no gives us spiritual wings. Though it can be intensely painful and sometimes scary. To know that we can take care of and love ourselves under any circumstances is truly empowering.

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This work was inspired by an experience I had with a close friend who went through a near death experience. We could feel death close at hand but it was beaten back by fate perhaps and certainly modern medical technology. I could sense the forces of the universe battling overhead and in him as he fought back to life. Even though he survived physically it was a kind of death and rebirth for him. The thing that nearly killed him awoke him.

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Every beginning requires the destruction of what went before. The Hindus have a goddess, Kali, who is devoted to the mutual acts of creation and destruction.
This painting emerged as I dismantled my own life as a corporate marketer to create the one I had dreamed of for 20 years - being a full time artist. A lot had to go. Possessions, relationships, prestige, a hefty paycheck. But the space had to be cleared for a new life and more authentic life to emerge.

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This painting is an expression of frustration and intensity and great emotional and physical passion. There's a poem written in the work with oil pen and layered over and under with oil paint.

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Emotions have messages for us. As uncomfortable as they are I have found it's important to feel them and to allow them to move through the physical body. The intense pressure of an emotion can often lead us to constructive action if we allow it.
I work hard at feeling my emotions when they come but but not always successfully. This image came to me in a creative vision during a particularly intense time when I was trying to sort out my feelings about something. I thought I was fully engaging my emotions but unbeknownst to me there were portions I was suppressing.
I like this painting because it references a sort of horizon or landscape of a stormy red sea of emotion and the black calm of suppression.

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I believe that any sort of intense fated love is experienced as a collision of sorts. Like the birth of a new universe in which you are no longer a planet unto yourself. It's my theory that when genuine love is present one is not that much in control of ones destiny.
This is a painting about love. About two people who come together from two very different world views and how that collision creates an explosion of energy and change. Like the explosion that would create the birth of the new universe.

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Blame…it’s the purview of an addict. And on some level, to some degree, most of us are addicts. Very few of us feel up to accepting responsibility for everything that happens in our lives…the good, the bad and the ugly, especially when it comes to broken hearts and childhood trauma. Relationships gone sour, divorce, breakups—who among us hasn’t placed blame at the feet of our former lover or partner at some point?
I believe, on some level, all relationships are a projection of sorts. Especially those that we engage as adults. We often project our shadow selves on another person. Perhaps when we accept and express our own shadow, we are able to project more light.

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Signed lower right side.